"IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION=The Adobe ECMAScript Plug-In allows PDF documents to take advantage of the scripting capabilities of ECMAScript."
"IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION2=See the Acrobat JavaScript Guide (AcroJS.pdf) for more details."
"IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION3=This document can be accessed through the Help->Acrobat JavaScript Guide menu item."
"IDS_ABOUT_DEPENDENCIES=Plug-ins required for loading: EFS, Movie, Search, SendMail, Spelling, Weblink, Web Capture"
"IDS_MENU_JS_EDITALL=&Edit All JavaScripts..."
"IDS_MENU_JS_SCRIPTS=&Document JavaScripts..."
"IDS_MENU_JS_ACTIONS=&Set Document Actions..."
"IDS_JSCONSOLE_TITLE=JavaScript Console"
"IDS_JSCONSOLE_DESC1=Type in and use num-pad <Enter> to evaluate your JavaScripts "
"IDS_EDITALL_MSG=//-------------------------------------------------------------\r//-----------------Do not edit the XML tags--------------------\r//-------------------------------------------------------------\r\r"
"IDS_EDITALL_BELONG1=/*********** belongs to: "
"IDS_EDITALL_BELONG2= ***********/\r"
"IDS_BROWSE_EDITOR=Select an Editor Program"
"IDS_BROWSE_EXE=Executable Files"
"IDS_JAVASCRIPT_GERROR=JavaScript error at line %d: %s. Fix it?\n"
"IDS_JSERROR_INVALIDARGS=%s:%d: Invalid number of arguments for %s.%s."
"IDS_JSERROR_INVALIDRANGE=%s:%d: Invalid argument value for %s.%s."
"IDS_JSERROR_HELP=%s:%d: Help for %s.%s\n"
"IDS_JSERROR_MISSINGARG=%s:%d: Missing required argument for %s.%s."
"IDS_JSERROR_NOBROWSER=%s:%d: You need to be running inside a web browser to submit this form, %s.%s."
"IDS_JSERROR_NOT_IN_BROWSER=%s:%d: The document needs to be opened inside the Acrobat window (as opposed to the web browser) in order to submit this form, %s.%s."
"IDS_JSERROR_INVALIDPROPERTYSET=%s:%d: Invalid or unknown %s.%s, set not possible."
"IDS_JSERROR_INVALIDPROPERTYGET=%s:%d: Invalid or unknown %s.%s, get not possible."
"IDS_JSERROR_INVALID_GLOBALPR=%s:%d: Invalid global %s.%s."
"IDS_JSERROR_GENERAL=%s:%d: Operation failed in %s.%s."
"IDS_JSERROR_OUTOFMEMORY=%s:%d: Out of memory in %s.%s."
"IDS_JSERROR_NOTSUPPORTED=%s:%d: %s.%s is not supported in the Acrobat Reader."
"IDS_JSERROR_NOTALLOWED=%s:%d: %s.%s Security settings prevent access to this property or method."
"IDS_JSERROR_RAISE=%s:%d: %s.%s Acrobat Raise: "
"IDS_JSWARNING_CANCELSCRIPTEXECUTION=You are in the middle of loading plugin or document scripts.\nStopping this operation may lead to JavaScript errors.\nWould you like to continue loading the JavaScripts?"
"IDS_JSERROR_NOTSUPPORTEDHFT=%s:%d: %s.%s is not available as a plug-in necessary for this functionality is not loaded."
"IDS_JSERROR_DEADOBJECT=%s:%d: %s.%s object is dead."
"IDS_JAVASCRIPT_EDITORNAME_ERROR=Please choose an External Editor.\n"
"IDS_JAVASCRIPT_ENABLE=This document contains JavaScripts. Do you want to enable them for this session? The document may not behave correctly if they're disabled."
"IDS_JAVASCRIPT_EDITALL_ERROR=XML tags may have been edited.\n Your changes cannot be accepted. Please don't edit the XML tags.\n"
"IDS_CONSOLE_FULL=Cannot continue printing to the console.\n"
"IDS_EDITDIALOG_FULL=Text cannot be displayed in full by the Edit Dialog.\nPlease use an External Editor.\n"
"IDS_JSACTION_TITLE=Use this dialog to create and edit your JavaScript"
"IDS_LINE_STR=Ln %d, "
"IDS_GOTO_STR=&Go to..."
"IDS_LINENO_STR=&Line Number:"
"IDS_ACTION_JAVASCRIPT_STRING1=Use this button to create/edit a JavaScript action."
"IDS_TITLE_JSBATCH=Execute JavaScript"
"IDS_JSBATCH_TITLE=/* Put script title here */\n"
"IDS_OPEN_SOUND=Select a sound file to import"
"IDS_OPEN_DATAOBJECT=Select a data file to import"
"IDS_SAVE_DATAOBJECT=Specify a file to extract to"
"IDS_ATTACHLAUNCH_MSG=The data object \"%s\" may contain programs, macros, or viruses that could potentially harm your computer. Only open the file if you are sure it is safe. If you received this file from a trusted source then click Open to view the data object."
"IDS_ATTACHLAUNCH_DISALLOWED=You cannot open the data object \"%s\" as launching data objects is currently disallowed. Please check the Options preferences to allow this operation."
"IDS_ATTACHLAUNCH_ADMINDISALLOWED=You cannot open the data object \"%s\". This is currently disallowed by your system administrator."
"IDS_GREATER_THAN=Invalid value: must be greater than or equal to %s."
"IDS_GT_AND_LT=Invalid value: must be greater than or equal to %s and less than or equal to %s."
"IDS_LESS_THAN=Invalid value: must be less than or equal to %s."
"IDS_INVALID_MONTH=** Invalid **"
"IDS_INVALID_DATE=Invalid date/time: please ensure that the date/time exists and that all 4 digits of any year are supplied"
"IDS_INVALID_VALUE=The value entered does not match the format of the field"
"IDS_STARTUP_CONSOLE_MSG=Acrobat EScript Built-in Functions Version 5.1"
"IDS_CANNOTSAVE_WARNING=Since this document does not allow changes to be saved, any changes you may have made will not be included in the document when it is mailed. Do you want to continue?"
"$$$/Dialogs/DocAction=Document Actions"
"$$$/Dialogs/DocAction/Status=&When this happens..."
"$$$/Dialogs/DocAction/AllButton=Edit &All..."
"$$$/Dialogs/DocAction/Message=Execute this JavaScript:"
"$$$/Dialogs/JSDoc=JavaScript Functions"
"$$$/Dialogs/JSDoc/Name=Script &Name:"
"$$$/Dialogs/EditJavaScript=Edit JavaScript"
"$$$/Dialogs/EditJavaScript/What=Use this dialog to create and edit your JavaScript"